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SKU: CR-400155

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Calcium, as an essential plant nutrient in the soil, is often overlooked. Too many times when soil tests show a low pH the immediate reaction is to spread more lime. However, ag-lime tends to be insoluble and can take years to break down and show its effectiveness. In fact, the odds are good that your soil may already contain more undissolved limestone than soil tests are calling for.

Rather than just looking at soil pH, an effective soil test should also include the quantity of soluble calcium (measured in ppm or %) and the calcium % base saturation in the soil. pH alone is not a valid indicator of soluble calcium levels in the soil. For example, when pure sand is analyzed it has a neutral pH but has no available calcium.

Benefits Now and For Years to Come

– Chelated with a guaranteed analysis of 10% calcium

– 100% water-soluble … Does not have to go through biological breakdown

– Immediately available to the soil and growing plants

– Improves Nutrient Uptake

– Increases Yield and Crop Quality

– Improves Nitrogen Efficiency when applied with liquid nitrogen

– See first season results…No waiting 6-12 months like with dry lime

Directions For Use

AgriCal® liquid calcium can be applied with standard sprayer equipment. No special nozzles or handling equipment is required. It can adapted to a variety of farming systems and herbicide applications eliminating those extra trips across the field.

One of the most beneficial ways of applying the product also saves on nitrogen coasts. When AgriCal® is added to liquid nitrogen a stabilizing effect occurs. Many growers have been able to reduce their nitrogen rates substantially while still seeing boost in yields.

AgriCal® can be tank mixed with most all soil applied herbicides and liquid fertilizer solutions that do not contain phosphorus. No extra trips across the field are generally needed.

AgriCal® can be applied through standard ground or aerial application equipment, and through standard irrigation or fertigation systems.

AgriCal® may be mixed with some herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and liquid nitrogen solutions. Do not mix with Glyphosate based herbicides, 2-4D Amine or any liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus. Always do a jar test to ensure compatibility with AgriCal®.


Soil: 2-5 gallons per acre

Foliar: 1-3 gallons per acre

Liquid Nitrogen Solutions: AgriCal should be used at 2-5 gallons per acre with all liquid N applications


To avoid the formation of insoluble precipitates, do NOT mix with materials containing Phosphates or Sulfates. Do NOT mix with any Round-Up type herbicides (Glyphosate based). Do NOT mix with, 2, 4-D Amine.

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When should I apply AgriCal®?
There is no wrong time to apply AgriCal® if calcium is indicated by your soil test or tissue analysis. The sooner the better.
Can I mix AgriCal® with my starter fertilizer?
Absolutely not if your starter contains phosphorous, which almost all do. It would require an independent tank with a separate line ran to the seed furrow. AgriCal® can be mixed with any of our prebiotics in furrow.
Can I raise my pH with AgriCal®?
It is possible depending on the history of your soil, but that is not the intended purpose nor the guide to determine the need or the rates of application for using AgriCal®. A low pH can be an indicator calcium is deficient but the pH can also be above 8 and calcium can still be deficient. Do not use pH as a blanket indicator for applying any nutrient to the soil including lime or AgriCal®. The results can be a very costly unbalanced soil.

What is AgriGro AgriCal?

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