Perennials are a staple in many of our gardens. We love that they come back year after year—making our garden efforts last from season to season. But there comes a time every few summers when we must decide how to best care for our perennials. Usually, that involves sectioning the plants off so they can reset.
Dividing Perennials
Whether you’re a gardening expert or a novice, perennial division is something that should be added to your gardening list each year. Otherwise, flower growth may be stifled and you’ll notice parts of the plant towards the center will die and new growth will take place along the edges.
Depending on how big the plants are and how fast they grow, they should be divided every two to five years. You’ll also want to check the weather before you dig so you don’t start the process during an unusually wet, dry or hot stint. Completing this task in late July or August will give your perennials time to take root before the winter comes.
Fibrous-Rooted Perennials
(Examples: Phlox, Boltonia, Physostegia or Grasses)
There are two ways to divide these types of perennials. First, use a shovel or a knife to separate the new growth from the plant. Then replant the new growth.
The second option is to place two spading forks back to back near the center of the plant. Gradually move the handles of the forks together to pry the plant apart. Then, replant the new growth.
Fleshy-Rooted Perennials
(Examples: Hostas, Daylilies or Society Garlic)
Use a spading fork to separate the plants into smaller sections. Make sure each section has at least three strong shoots. Then, using a knife untangle the roots and replant new growth.
Note: Plants with woven roots may have to be pried apart with a shovel. Do this carefully and take your time!
Tuberous-Rooted Perennials(Examples: Dahlias or Peonies)
Starting away from the plant’s crown, use a shovel or spading fork to dig up the plant. Be careful and do not cut through any large roots. Separate the plant into small sections with a sharp knife. Make sure each section has two or three visible buds or “eyes.” Then, replant at a depth of 1 to 2 inches—this will help ensure beautiful flowers.
Note: It is best to divide Dahlias in the fall.
Rhizomatous Perennials
(Examples: Irises)
Create some space between the bottom of the plant and the ground. Carefully, dig the plant up and lift gradually to avoid any damage. Then, separate the plant into sections, you can often do this by hand. Next, use a sharp knife to cut the plant into sections. Replant new growth at the proper depth.
Next Steps
After the division is done, make sure to apply Ultra®. Ultra® is a certified organic soil, seed, and foliar treatment that helps accelerate emergence, strengthen roots and stalks, and improve plant health.
When applied to the soil it will increase soil health and function resulting in more vigorously developing plants, below and above ground, that is healthier and more capable of defending itself against pathogens and stresses. When foliar applied, Ultra® can increase many beneficial plant functions like photosynthesis, nutrient acquisition, and utilization, plus the plants ability to get more photosynthetic output to reproduction.
Ultra® is OMRI listed for use in organic production.

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