Extend your Homegrown Harvesting into Fall

Extend your Homegrown Harvesting into Fall

Fall days are perfect for gardening—it's cooler, the sun is still shining, you have the occasional rain shower, and the soil is warm. The soil is warmer than in spring, so your plants grow more quickly during this time of year.

To extend your homegrown harvest through Thanksgiving, you must plant your fall garden before the first frost. Meaning now is the time!

If you live in a part of the country where the first frosts come in November, start planting in September. If you live where frosts start earlier, we suggest going with transplants that are a few weeks old so they will be able to handle the cold weather.

10-12 Weeks Before First Frost

Broccoli and Cabbage: Plant directly in garden beds. If you're looking for cold-tolerant varieties, consider 'Blue Wind' broccoli and savoy-type cabbage.

Brussel sprouts: It is best to grow Brussel sprouts in raised beds since seasons and temperatures are often changing. For best results, plant ½ inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart.

Carrots: Plant your carrots in late summer. Don't be afraid to leave them in the ground well into the fall season. Often, they will taste sweeter after a light frost.

Note: Create a light blanket of mulch over your carrots—this will serve as an insulator during cold nights.

Celery: Celery tends to grow out, space each seed ½ inch deep and at least 24 inches apart in rows. Remember to spend time watering the celery. It needs a fair amount of water to thrive!

Onions: Start onions from seed in midsummer. Plant hardy types like 'Lisbon White Bunching.'

8-10 Weeks Before First Frost

Arugula: From seedling to harvest, arugula needs only four to six weeks.

Collards and Kale: Plant directly in garden beds. Collards and kale tend to taste best after the first frost.

Lettuce and Greens: It is best to start your lettuce and your greens from indoors. These seeds need a little extra care!

6-8 Weeks Before First Frost

Beets: Before you plant, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. Then, keep planted seeds well watered.

Parsnips: Plant fresh seeds for the best parsnips. Feel free to leave them in the ground for a few frosts before harvesting.

Turnips: Plant turnips directly into the garden; they do not transplant well. Don't forget, turnips are cool-weather vegetables and can be grown in both fall and spring.

Radishes: As radishes are left in the ground, they sweeten. They can be harvested within three weeks of planting.

Need more great reasons to plant a fall garden? Check out this blog on How to Have Your Best Fall Garden and the benefits you gain for your garden in the coming year.

It's time to start planting your fall garden, and we want to help! Our all-natural products are made with you, your family, and even your pets in mind. Bountiful Harvest, SuperCal, and Ultra work in harmony with nature—helping you improve your veggies and soil health. If you've been looking to take your harvest to the next level—this is your solution! Happy GROing!

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SOURCES: Meyer, S. (2016, Sep). Fall veg planting. Vegetarian Times, , 30 Christopher, T. (2002). Second harvest. Country Living Gardener, 10(5), 97