Organic producers, how would you like to gain up to $71.00 per acre on a $12.00 investment? This can be a reality when you implement AgriGro® crop production products in your planting efforts. In a 2017 organic starter trial, Ultra® was applied in-furrow at 32 ounces with 7 gallons of water per acre. The result was a 7.5-bushel increase over the check plot.
In many production environments, the zone where your seed germinates dictates a strong portion of your yield potential. By applying AgriGro® Ultra® in furrow, you have the opportunity to influence early root, shoot, and grain development, allowing you to enhance your crop production techniques. Many plants sense the environment they are placed in and develop only what they believe they have the ability to produce.
Benefits of Using Prebiotic Technologies in Crop Production
The following are some of the benefits that you can experience with AgriGro’s® prebiotic technologies:- Increased germination
- Better stand establishment
- Optimized mineral to nutrient conversion
- Greater microbial activity – up to 5,000% in just 24 hours
- Quicker canopy establishment for weed control and moisture retention
- Increased nutrition into young plants to drive better root, shoot, and grain production
These benefits are just the beginning when it comes to enhancing your crop production and yields.