Pushing Broccoli to the Limit

Pushing Broccoli to the Limit

Can you imagine getting a 75% yield increase in your broccoli crop next season? California broccoli experienced just that in 2012. Jim Poulton, AgriGro® Dealer, in Salinas, California has a fantastic broccoli report from Church Brothers growers in San Juan Bautista. In the photo below the top half shows broccoli from the FoliarBlend® test plot and the bottom half are broccoli from the check plot.

Pushing Broccoli to the Limit - AgriGro

Broccoli treated with FoliarBlend® on top half.

The test plot (top half) was treated with FoliarBlend® in three applications: 32 oz. at planting, a side dress application of 16 oz. at 30 days, and a final application of 16 oz. through sprinkler irrigation at 60 days. The check plot (bottom half) shows the reduced size and number of heads when compared to the FoliarBlend® test plot. The differences in quality and uniformity are huge, as are color and size! In addition, the check plot had a yield of 24 lbs compared to the FoliarBlend® plot which produced 42 lbs. Clearly the FoliarBlend® plot was able to provide these broccoli plants with the resources to take up additional nutrients and water.