Creating Garden Compost

Creating Garden Compost

When it comes to having a healthy garden it begins in the soil. Healthy soil with healthy Organic Matter matters. It’s in the soil that micro and macro-organisms live and then contribute to creating a healthy environment for plants. If you’re looking to improve your soil, consider adding compost. Compost is a mixture of organic waste that is decomposed and then added to give food and add life to your garden!

How to Get Started

Composting can seem like a chore and feel daunting to tackle, but we’re here to tell you - it’s not! Compost is made up of things that you already have around your house, like food scraps and yard waste. Start with collecting dead leaves, branches and twigs from your yard, then look for greens like grass clippings, vegetable scraps and leftover fruit waste. Lastly, add water - the water will help break down the organic matter. And if you really want to speed up the process, consider adding Indigo® to your compost pile.

Pro Tip: Look to have an equal amount of food scraps and yard waste. This will ensure you have a good balance in your compost.

Storing Your Compost

There are different options when it comes to storing your compost pile - you can opt to store it indoors or outside.

Indoor: Store your compost in a large bin with a lid (you can find composting bins at your local home and garden store). Regularly turn and mix the compost. Also, adding water along with Indigo® will help in the decomposition process. The process should take 2-5 weeks.

Note: A well-tended pile of compost will not smell or attract rodents or pests.

Outdoor: When creating an outdoor compost pile, pick a nice dry, shaded spot with a water source nearby. Add yard waste first but make sure it has been moistened before going in the pile. Then add greens, such as grass clippings and food waste. Make sure to bury fruit and vegetable waste at 10-inches deep into your compost pile.

To cover your pile, use a tarp. This covering will help keep it moist and dark, creating rich compost.

What Should I Add to My Compost Pile?

- Fruits and vegetables
- Eggshells
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Teabags
- Nutshells
- Shredded newspaper
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Yard trimmings

- Grass clippings
- Houseplants
- Hay and straw
- Leaves
- Sawdust
- Wood chips
- Cotton and Wool Rags
- Dryer and vacuum cleaner lint
- Hair and fur
- Fireplace ashes

We do not recommend beginners put any of the following in their compost bins:

  • citrus peels: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit
  • meat or dairy products
  • onions, garlic or leaks
We’re Here to Help

At AgriGro, we believe in “adding life” to your soil, garden, and flowers. To give your garden an extra boost look to Bountiful Harvest® and SuperCal®. This combo makes a powerful team, Bountiful Harvest is university tested and proven to be 100% all-natural and environmentally friendly. It’s a safe PreBiotic that contains macro and micro-nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and complex carbohydrates that benefit both the soil and plant production and health.

SuperCal® provides calcium to your growing plants in the soluble form they require, and while many products claim to supply calcium, none can offer the advantages of SuperCal®. Formulated with a proprietary blend of organic acids, SuperCal® works in the soil to break down unavailable calcium and convert it to an available form that plants can utilize. With SuperCal®, insoluble calcium can be brought into solution, ensuring that your plants have an abundant supply.

With your new composting pile and AgriGro products, you’re sure to see your garden and flowers bloom with success!

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SOURCES: Raquel Barrena, Xavier Font, Xavier Gabarrell, Antoni Sánchez. Home composting versus industrial composting: Influence of composting system on compost quality with a focus on compost stability. Waste Management. Volume 34, Issue 7, 2014, Pages 1109-1116. “Composting At Home.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 13 Nov. 2019.