Homestead Tech

Soil Health
Everything starts with the soil. The quality and health of our plants, animals, and homesteads depend on the quality of our soil. At AgriGro we focus on developing prebiotic formulations that stimulate the native microbial life as well as boost other beneficial colony groups of bacteria. When beneficial bacteria have an environment where they can thrive they are able to outcompete pathogenic strains. This allows for boosted immunity to stressful growing conditions.
In the Garden
Ultra is our vegetable garden flagship product because of its OMRI registration. Market gardeners like Michael Kilpatrick and Ray Tyler love Ultra and use it regularly in their production. Home Gardener’s like Nina Shirley with The Dirt Academy use Ultra on everything every month! They are seeing developed growth rates, reduced pest pressure, lemon trees that have come back to life and more…
Healthy gut – Resilient animals
The same principles that apply to the health of the soil’s micro-biome apply to the microbiome in an animal’s gut. NutriZyme is an AgriGro exclusive liquid mineral supplement that includes a prebiotic formulation. NutriZyme is designed to help balance the beneficial bacteria within the gut of Horses, Cattle, and Poultry. NutriZyme can be used as a daily supplement, however homestead users typically dose at a rate of every other day to twice a week. Horses and Cattle we recommend mixing the suggested dose in with a grain ration or other feed ration. Horses will sometimes not like the smell and will perk their ears and give you a funny look at first. But they quickly get used to it. For Poultry we recommend incorporating NutriZyme into their water. The microbial nature of the product may support algae growth within the water tanks, lines, or other waters. Make sure that you clean the waterers regularly.